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This part of the collection includes homemade documentary movies that feature landscapes or cultural achievements, like architecture and art. There are also documentaries about companies, institutions, or infrastructure projects—for example, the construction of bridges. Although these documentaries are very different in regard to length and format, they often reflect a common motivation to inform a larger public. Seen from today’s point of view, these private documentaries are not only portraits of institutions, artworks, and landscapes; they also reveal the perspectives (and hence the perceptions) of the filmmakers themselves.

Kettenringelspiel, Weinviertel, 1930er-Jahre
Feuerwehrjubiläum, Waldviertel, 1920er-Jahre
Landeshauptstadtfest, St. Pölten, 1980er-Jahre
Dorfleben, Industrieviertel,1970er-Jahre
Dorfleben, Industrieviertel, 1970er-Jahre
Fahrt mit VW-Bus, Mostviertel, vermutlich 1980er Jahre